"The Power of Moments"

In the genre of inspirational books, Chip and Dan are my favorite authors. I can still remember every word of their book "Switch" which is about how to motivate change in both ourselves and others. Its was a helpful and inspirational book for me which is why I saw a new book had been released from them I snatched it up right away.


"The Power of Moments" is a book that basically looks at the secret formula for what makes some moments stand out in our memories while others fade. They call these memorable and impactful events "defining moments."


A defining moment is a short experience with a lasting effect. Defining moments have some (or all) of the following elements:


* Elevation - "Creating moments of elevation involves boosting sensory pleasures, raising the stakes, and breaking the scripts (defying people's expectations of how an experience will unfold). They are experiences that rise above the routine. They make us feel engaged, joyful, amazed, and motivated."


* Insight - "Moments of insight deliver realizations and transformations. They do not need to be serendipitous."


* Pride - "Moments of pride commemorate people's achievements. We feel our chest puff out and our chin lift up. There are three practical principles we can use to create more moments of pride: 1) Recognize others; 2) Multiply meaningful milestones; and 3) Practice Courage."


"Courage is contagious. From historic protests to everyday acts, from the civil rights movement to an employee asking a tough question. this is the lesson we've learned: It is hard to be courageous, but it's easier when you've practiced, and when you stand up, others will join in."


* Connection - "Moments of connection bond us with others. We feel warmth, unity, empathy, and validation. To spark moments of connection for groups, we must create shared meaning."


They have a website with a one-page summary of the books lessons at www.ThePowerofMoments.com


I think that this books lessons can be applied in several areas of my life. Specifically, it can help with maintaining a happy marriage (we will now start having defining moments days), managing employees (there was an interesting story about how John Deere welcomes new employees), and in making new friends (what if I could create a defining moment in the form of a block party?). This book is one I will need to keep on the shelf.


Casey Richards

Rutland, Vermont

Note: I have moved my blog here from BiggerPockets.com due to them trying to charge me $1000 a month just to review books I have read! Wow! For more information on what happened I have setup the website http://www.BiggerPocketsAlert.com



Note: I have moved my blog here from BiggerPockets.com due to them trying to charge me $1000 a month just to review books I have read! Wow! For more information on what happened I have setup the website http://www.BiggerPocketsAlert.com


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